First Days In Braces

The adhesive used for attaching the braces to your teeth cures rapidly initially, but takes 24-hours to completely cure. You can eat any time after leaving our office. However, we ask that you be mindful of the suggested list of foods that may be harmful to the braces. Foods that cannot be cleaned off of the braces may lead to discoloration and decay of your teeth. Even though our braces and wires are metal, they are fragile and can be damaged by eating the wrong foods, thus taking us longer to finish your treatment.

Foods to Avoid:
  • Absolutely No Gum – Sugarless or otherwise
  • Chewy foods – bagels, hard rolls, licorice
  • Crunchy foods – popcorn, ice, chips
  • Sticky foods – caramels, gum
  • Hard foods – nuts, hard candy

Initially the braces feel like they “stick out”. This is normal. As you become accustomed to your braces and your tooth alignment improves, this sensation will disappear and will cease to be a concern. Although the brackets have been rounded and smoothed, until the cheek tissues have “toughened”, you may find it helpful to use a small piece of dental wax around the bracket that is creating the irritation. You will probably notice some discomfort beginning a few hours after your braces are placed. Some teeth, usually the front teeth, may be “tender” and sensitive to pressure. You may wish to take non-prescription pain remedies commonly taken for other discomforts such as headaches. For maximum effectiveness, it may be best to take such medications before the discomfort begins.

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